Monday 9th September 2024

Ui tokoni e Poate Kolisi tutuku ‘a Liahona kia Makamaile mo Faivaola

Kenau fakataha ki ‘Ameliika ‘o fakalelei kae fua he Koliisi  tutuku e  fakamole 

KUO a’u e fetookehekehe’aki ‘a e Poate e Kolisi Tutuku ‘a Liahona mo Saineha he’enau fakamaloloo’i ‘a e Palestieni lahi fakamamani na’e fili ‘e he Kolisi tutuku´, ‘Epalahame Lingikoni Taukei’aho ki he tu’unga ‘e a’u ia ki he fakamaau’anga´.

   Kuo ui tokoni ai e Sea e Poate´, Pita Hopoate ki he ongo papalangi misinale ‘iloa ‘a e siasi Mamonga´ ‘i . . .

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