Monday 17th February 2025

Tu’utu’uni Fakamaau’anga Lahi, ta’efakalao tu’utu’uni PSC kia Mele Magdalena Mafi

Kuo tuku mai ‘a e tu’utu’uni (order) ‘a CJ Cooper ‘o e Fakamaau’anga Lahi ‘o Tonga he ‘aho 6 Sanuali 2025, ko e ola ia hono vakai’i (judicial review) ‘o e tu’utu’uni ‘a e PSC na’e fakahoko ‘i he ‘aho 9 Sanuali 2024, ko e hili ia ‘a e tukuaki’i (charge) ‘o Ms. Fifita ki he maumau’i ‘o e Code of Ethic and Conduct 2010.

Kae hili hono vakai’i ‘e J Cooper ‘a e ngaahi pepa ‘o e ongo tafa’aki, na’ane tu . . .

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