Monday 17th February 2025

Tuku ki tafa’aki e  tu’utu’uni ke totongi huhu’i ki he ongo taki e TDB

Hoko atu e vaa e Pangike Pule mo e Pangike Fakalakalaka´

NA’E faka’ilo foki ‘e he Pangike Fakalakalaka pe TDB pea mo ‘Emeline Tuita mo Peni Vea ‘a Tatafu Moeaki, Katalina Tohi, Tevita Motulalo, Kalino Latu mo e Pangike Pule ‘o ‘eke honau ongoongo´ he tu’utu’uni na’e fai ‘e he Pangike Pule fekau’aki mo e ongo taki e TDB. Na’e hanga foki heni he kau faiongoongo ni ‘o tuku atu e ongoongo hono to’o ‘e he Pangike Pule e ngofua ngaue fakapangike . . .

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