Monday 17th February 2025

Tuku aa e ta mali, pea tuku mo e nonofo kovi he ko e nunu’a´ ee

Malo toe ta’ofi honop tipota;i ki Tonga´, kae ‘ange faingamalei ka ne toe fai ha hia ko e sio ia he muka ‘o e niu´. Ne ‘ikai mei hoko e taa ka ko e nofo kovi´

KO E monu’ia lahi ha tamai ki he fanau ‘e toko 11 he meesi ‘a e Immigration and Protection Tribunal ‘a Nu’usila´ ‘o toe ‘oange hono faingamalie ke ‘oua ‘e tipota’i ai ia ki Tonga´.

   Na’e tu’utu’uni e ‘Imikuleisoni ‘a Nu’usila´ ke tipota’i e motu’a . . .

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