Monday 17th February 2025

Toe ‘akahi tu’o ua ‘a Piveni Piukala kitu’a fakataha mo Lord Tu’ilakepa ko e anga ta’efaka’apa’apa.

Kuo toe ‘akahi tu’o ua hake pe ‘eni ‘a e fakafofonga Fale Alea ‘o Tongatapu 7 Piveni Piukala ‘i he ‘aho ‘e ua ko e ‘ulungaanga ta’efaka’apa’apa. Na’e toki foki mai pe ‘a e Fakafofonga mei hono tuli ‘aho ‘e 7 ia ko e me’a tatau pe he ‘ulungaanga ta’efakapa’apa’apa, ko ’ene lau ki he kui ‘a  e Palemia´, Siaosi Sovaleni. Pea ‘oku te’eki ke lava ha mahina kuo to e fakamaloloo’i kitu’a pea mahalo ko e lekooti ‘eni talu ‘a e tu . . .

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