Monday 17th February 2025

Tipota’i mei Nu’usila ko e pa’usi’i ta’ahine ta’u si’i to e ha’u pe fakahoko hia tatau ‘i Tonga

KUO tautea ngaue popula ta’u mahina 6 ha matapule ta’u 42 mei Matahau ko ’ene angahala’i ha leka fefine ta’u si’i talu mei he ta’u 2020 ki he 2022 he ngaahi feitu’u kehekehe pe ‘i Tongatapu.

Ko e faka’iloa ko ’eni ‘oku ‘ikai tuku atu hono hingoa´ koe’uhi´ ko e tokotaha mamahi´ ‘oku kei ta’u si’I,  ka na’e tipoata’i mai mei Nu’usila he ta’u 2019 he’ene pa’usi’i ha ta’ahine ta’u si’i. Na’a nofo fakamali . . .

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