Friday 7th February 2025

Tautea ngaue popula he ma’u mo e faito’o konatapu mo e me’atau ta’efakalao

NA’E tautea ‘e Fakamaau lahi Cooper ‘a ‘Okona ‘One’one ta’u 31nofo ’Ananaa  ‘i he tukuaki’i ko e ma’u mo e faito’o konatapu pea mo e me’atau ta’efakalao.

  ‘Oku pehee na’e ma’u he kau polisi´ha fakamatala ‘oku tila faito’o konatapu ‘a ‘One’one. Na’e ngaue atu ai e kau polisi´ he ‘aho 30 ‘o Siulai 2023 ‘o hua e ‘api e faka’iloa´. Na’a nau puke mei ai ha faito’o konatapu Ice mo e maliuana ne . . .

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