Monday 20th January 2025

Tauhi fakalao e fa’ee ki he liliu kakaa’i e sieke kautaha STH malava ke ne ma’u e $96,000

‘OKU lolotonga tauhi fakalao ‘e he kau Sela´ ‘i Hu’atolitoli ‘a Pauline Langi a.k.a Pauline Faka’osi ta’u 30 mei Niutoua ki he hia ko e kakaa’i ha tohi ngaue, kakaa’i ha pa’anga pehee ki he kaiha’asi ha pa’anga mei he ‘akauni ‘a e kautaha STH ‘i Fasi he ‘aho 2 ‘o ‘Aokosi 2023 ‘o malava ke ne toho kaiha’asi ai ha $96,000.00.

   Na’e toki ‘ilo ‘e he pule kautaha STH ‘a e holo e palanisi he ‘akauni ‘i . . .

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