Monday 17th February 2025

Ta’u ‘e 49 hono peluki ‘e he ‘Ikale Tahi e Wallaby

NA’E fakatahataha mai e timi ‘Ikale Tahi ‘o e 1973 ki Aotearoa kenau katoanga’i mo fakamanatu e kakato e ta’u ‘e 49 ‘a hono tohi’i ‘e he ‘Ikale Tahi ‘enau peluki e Wallaby ‘a ‘Aositelelia´ ‘aki e kai 16 - 11 he ‘aho 30 ‘o Sune 1973.

  KO e timi ni ‘oku kei mo’ui ai e toko 11 he ngahai feitu’u kehekehe pea ko e toko 7 ai na’a nau lava mai mo honau fakafofonga ki he katoanga ‘i Nu’usila ni he uike kuo ‘osi´.

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