Saturday 8th February 2025

Tapu ‘aupito e faito’o konatapu´ he tofi’a ni : Ma’afu Tuki’aulahi

KO E taha e fekau fefeka na’e tuku atu ‘e he Nopele ma’u tofi’a ‘o Vaini mo Tokomololo´, ‘Eiki Nopele Ma’afu Tukui’aulahi ko e ‘ulu ‘a Ha’a Havea Lahi´ ‘i he’ene fuofua fono mo e hono kainga he ongo kolo ni ko e tapu ‘aupito ‘a e faito’o konatapu´ he kolo´.

   “Ko e faito’o konatapu´‘oku tapu ‘aupito he tofi’a ni, tapu ke ma’u, ngaue’aki pe tufaki he tofi’a ni,” ko e me’a ia ‘a e Nopele´.

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