Wednesday 22nd January 2025

Talu ‘ene hu Pilisone ‘i Tonga he ta’u 13 pea ‘i NZ ni ‘oku lahi ange ‘ene nofo ‘api popula he’ene ‘i tu’a´

Toki ‘ilo hake ta ‘oku ‘iai e palopalema ia ki he’ene fakakaukau´. Toe tautea ko e taa fakalavea’i e kau popula ‘i ‘api popula

NA’E tautea he fakamaau’anga´ lahi ‘a ‘Okalani ‘a e matapule ta’u 29 ko Sione Tupoumalohi ke ngaue popula he ta’u ‘e 6 ‘o tanaki atu ia ki he tautea ngaue ta’u ‘e 9 ‘oku ne lolotonga ngaue’i. Ko e tupu ‘eni mei he’ene taa’i mo fakalavea’i ha toko 4 ‘i loto ‘api popula.

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