Monday 17th February 2025

Tali tangi ‘a Harris Satini ke kaniseli hono tautea ngaue popula ‘i Hu’atolitoli kae to e hopo’i fo’ou.

Na’e tu’utu’uni ‘a e Tu’i Fakamaau lahi ke tali e tangi ‘a Harris Satini ‘o Vaini mo ’ene loea´ ke kaniseli e tu’utu’uni tautea ngaue popula ta’u 3 mahina 6 na’e fakahoko ‘e he Fakamaau polisi Pule Salesi Mafi he ta’u kuo’osi kia Harris hili ia ‘ene halaia ki he hopo faka’auha ha fakamo’oni fekau’aki mo e faito’okonatapu.

Na’e fakaha ‘e CJ Whitten ko e ola ‘o e hopo he Fakamaau polisi na’e ‘ikai ha fehalaaki ka ko e tautea na . . .

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