Wednesday 22nd January 2025

Tali ke ta ‘enau pepa koe’uhi´ ko e mahamahaki e fa’ee´

NA’E tali ‘e he Immigration and Protection Tribunal ‘a Nu’usila´ ’a e tangi e ki’i famili e ongo matu’a mo ‘ena fanau ‘e toko 5 ke ‘oua mu’a ‘e tipota’i nautolu kae ‘oange ha faingamalie kenau nofo ai leva ‘i Nu’usila ni he ‘oku mahamahaki e fa’ee´.

  ‘Oku ‘ikai foki ngofua ke fakaha e hingoa e famili ni.

   Ko e husepaniti ‘e ui pe ko X ‘oku ta’u 36 ia kae ta’u 35 e hoa ‘e ui pe ko Y . . .

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