Friday 7th February 2025

Tali ke ta e pepa ‘a ‘Emeli Nemani ta’u 71 hili ‘ene ‘ova ‘i NZ ni

NA’E tali ‘e he Immigrationa and Protection Tribunal ‘a Nu’usila ‘a e tangi ‘a e fine’eiki ko ‘Emeli Tu’utanga Nemani ta’u 71 ke ‘oua ‘e fakafoki ia ki Tonga kae taa ai pe ‘ene pepa nofo fonua´.

  Ko e ngaahi ‘uhinga na’e makatu’unga ai e tangi´ ke ‘oua toe fakafoki ki Tonga. ‘Uluaki´ ne pekia hono mali´ ‘i Nu’usila ni pea tanu ia heni. Ua´ ki ai´  ‘oku tokolahi hono famili´ ‘o’ona ‘i Nu’usila ni pea ‘ikai ke ngata ai . . .

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