Wednesday 22nd January 2025

Tali ke foaki ha Visa ‘eve’eva ‘a Mele hili hono lele’i e Ongoongo´

KUO toe liliu e  loto ‘a e kau ma’u mafai he potungaue ‘Imikuleisoni ‘a Nu’usila´ mei he teu kenau tipota’i ‘a Mele Langi ki Tonga´ ‘o ta ange ‘ene visa ‘eve’eva kae fai ha ngaue ki he tu’unga ‘a ‘ene nofo´.

   Na’e foaki ai ‘e he ‘Imikuleisoni ‘ene visa mahina ‘e 6 ke fakalao’i ‘ene nofo´ kae fai ha ngaue ki he’ene kole nofo fonua´.

  Ko Mele ‘oku mali ia mo ‘Alamoni Langi talu mei he 2017. Ka ko e . . .

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