Saturday 8th February 2025

Tali ke ‘ange ha’ane Visa ngaue ke nofo ‘o Dialysis ‘i Nu’usila ni

Na’e ngaue fakapule’anga ma’olunga ‘i Tonga pea toki puke´

NA’E tali ‘e he Immigration and Protection Tribunal ‘a e tangi ‘a e motu’a ta’u 53 ke ‘oua ‘e fakafoki ia ki Tonga koe’uhi´ ko ‘ene ‘ova´ kae ‘oange hano faingamalie koe’uhi´ ‘oku palopalema hono kofuua´ pea ‘oku lolotonga Dialysis ‘i Nu’usila ni.

   Na’e tali ‘eni ke ‘oange ha’ane Visa ngaue ta’u ‘e 1 ke fakalo ‘ene nofo ‘i Nu’usila ni kae toki fai ha feinga he hoko . . .

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