Wednesday 22nd January 2025

Tali he Fale Alea ke sivi faito’o konatapu ‘ene kau memipa.

Ko e taha ‘o e kaveinga malie kuo tali ‘e he Fale Alea ‘o Tonga he ‘aho  ni, ke sivi faito’o konatapu ‘a e kau memipa ‘o e fale.

Ko e hili ia ‘a e talanga lahi mo fefeka ‘a e fale ki he fokotu’u mei he Fakafofonga Nopele ‘o ‘Eua Lord Nuku.

Ko hono tali he fale ‘a e fokotu’u pea ‘e toki tau’ataina pe ‘a e memipa takitaha pe ‘e fie sivi pe ‘ikai, koe’uhi ko e tu’u ‘a e lao ‘e ‘ikai . . .

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