Monday 20th January 2025

Tali e tangi ‘a Likiliki ‘o ta’ofi hono tautea ne hilifaki´

Malo ‘ene hao he tipota’i he’ene taa hono kaume’a´ ne feave’aki he mitia Tonga´

NA’E tali ‘e he Fakamaau’anga Lahi ‘a Christchurch ‘a e tangi ‘a Anthony Likiliki fekau’aki mo hno tautea na’e hilifaki he fakamaau’anga fakavahe´. Na’e kole atu ‘a Likiliki ke fakahu atu ha’ane kole kimu’a pea fai hilifaki hono tautea´ ke ‘ai pe ke ne halaia pea tukuange kae ‘oua toe hilifaki ha tautea hia pe Discharcge without Conviction. Ka na’e ‘ikai tali ‘eni ia ‘e . . .

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