Monday 9th September 2024

Pulia e tokotaha kae hake mo’ui hono ‘ilamutu he’ena ‘alu ‘o kupenga

‘I HE a’u mai ki he po Pulelulu na’e te’eki pe ke ma’u e sino ‘o Masila Siua na’e mole ‘i tahi he efiafi Tusite´.

  Fakatatau ki he fakamatala mei he taha e famili ofi ‘o e pekia´ na’e ‘alu ‘a Masila pea mo hono ‘ilamutu he ki’i vaka ‘o fai ‘ena kupenga he feitu’u ofi pe ‘i he motu ko Puketutu he feitu’u Mangere. ‘Oku pehee na’e taa’i ‘e ha fo’i peau e vaka´ ‘o mafuli pea ne kakau . . .

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