Monday 9th September 2024

Puke e ni’ihi  kau kengi Commanchero ‘i Tonga mo e faito’o konatapu

Puke mo e tanagta pisinisi Siaina ‘iloa ‘i Tonga ko De Feng Mo he hu holo e pa’anga ‘uli´

NA’E puke ‘e he kau polisi e va’a makehe e faito’o konatapu pe Drug Squad ‘a Tonga´ ‘a e toko 17 ‘o tukuaki’i ki he ma’u mo e faito’o konatapu.

  Na’e fakahoko ‘e he va’a makehe ni hono ‘ohofi e ngaahi feitu’u kehekehe ‘i Tonga ‘o kau ai ‘a Fo’ui, Kolonga mo Tofoa ‘o puke mai . . .

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