Friday 7th February 2025

Puke e fefine ko e kaiha’a mei he tokotaha na’a ne tokanga’i ka ‘oku ‘atamai vaivai

NA’E puke ‘e he kau polisi´ ‘a e fefine ko Talia Vaipulu ta’u 44 nofo he feitu’u ko e Hawaiian Gardens ‘i ‘Amelika ‘o faka’ilo ki he’ene kaiha’a mei ha tangata’eiki ‘oku loto ngalongalo pea ‘ikai fa’a tonu ‘ene fakakaukau´.

  ‘Oku ‘ikai ko ha me’a fo’ou e faka’ilo mo e mo’ua e kau Tonga ‘oku nau tauhi e kau toulekeleka ‘i ‘Amelika´ pe ko ia ‘oku ui ko e Live In. Kuo tokolahi e kau Tonga kuo nau mo’ua . . .

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