Saturday 8th February 2025

Puke e ʻapi ke fakatau ke maʻu ʻenau paʻanga´

ʻOKU ʻikai ko ha meʻa foʻou e mole ʻa e ngaahi ʻapi´ kae tautefito ki he taimi faingataʻa fakapaʻanga ko ʻeni´.

  Naʻe tali e kole ʻa e Kautaha Liberty Financial Ltd ki he fakamaauʻanga ke nau puke e ʻapi e ʻo Meleane Toloke mo Solomone Latu Toloke he taumuʻa ke fakatau atu e ʻapi´ ke totongi ange ʻaki ʻenau moʻua´.

   Naʻe nooʻi ʻe he ongo fakaʻiloa ʻa e $390,000 ʻi he tupu pe interest ko e 10.55% ke fakatau . . .

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