Monday 17th February 2025

Pekia ʻa e ‘Ikale Tahi ko Kimbu ʻInoke

KUO tōtau e taha e kau tangata ʻiloa he ʻakapulu´ ʻi Tonga pea naʻá ne kau he timi ʻakapulu fakahisitōlia naʻa nau fakapaʻulu e Wallaby he 1973, Kimbu ʻInoke.

  ʻOku ʻikai foki ke sola e tokolahi naʻa nau ʻilo pe maʻu hake e taimi naʻá ne kei vaʻinga ai´. Ka ʻoku ʻi ai e konga ʻoku ʻikai ke ʻilo ki ai e tokolahi.

   Ko e tangatá ni foki ko ʻene fineʻeiki´ mei Longoteme. Ko ʻene kei siʻi ne vaʻinga he toumuʻa . . .

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