Monday 17th February 2025

Ngaue popula tama ko e tila faito’okonatapu he ‘aho Sapate

KUO tautea ‘a Harris Satini mei Vaini ke ngaue popula ta’u ‘e 4 ki he  tila faito’okonatapu he ‘aho Sapate 27 ‘o ‘Aokosi 2023 ‘i Vaini  ‘o ma’u mo e ‘aisi kalami ‘e 10.64 mo e kenapisi kalami 8.04g pehe ki hono toloi kakato e tautea ngaue popula mahina 1 ‘o Saia Tufui ke malu’i angalelei he ta’u ‘e 1 ki he ma’u mo e momo’i kenapisi kalami 0.15g.

    ‘I he ‘aho  Sapate 27 ‘o ‘Aokosi 2023 na . . .

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