Monday 20th January 2025

Ngaue popula ki he ta ‘aki e hele hono kaunga’api´

NA’E tautea ‘e Fakamaau Lahi Cooper ‘a ‘Alaponi Vaomotou ke ngaue popula ta’u ‘e 3 mahina ‘e 9 kae lau pe mei he ‘aho na’e tauhi ai ia koe ‘aho 24 ‘o ‘Epeleli 2023.

  ‘I he ‘aho 4 ‘o ‘Epeleli 2022 na’e lele atu ‘a Vaomotou ‘i he’ene paiki ki honau ‘api´ ‘i Fo’ui.

  Na’a ne tau ‘ene paiki´ ka na’e talanoa ‘a e motu’a hono kaunga’api´ ko Glen Kaumavae mo ‘ene kau ngaue´ ‘i he fale fakatolo . . .

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