Saturday 8th February 2025

Ngaue popula ‘a Kelikupa he haofale, kaiha’a mo e ma’u mo e faito’o koantapu

NA’E hilifaki e  tautea ‘o Kelikupa Maile ‘o Longolongo´ ke ne ngaue popula ki he ngaahi hia na’e tukuaki’i ia ki ai´.

   Na’e ‘uluaki ui e hopo ni he fakamaau’anga lahi ‘ia Fakamaau lahi Cooper ‘aia na’e tali tonuhia ai ‘a Kelikupa pea na’e tu’utu’uni ‘a Cooper ke tukihifo e keisi ni ki he fakamaau’anga Polisi makehe ke fai ai.

  ‘I he ‘aho 23 ‘o ‘Akosi 2023 kuo liliu e tali ia ‘a Kelikupa´ ‘o tali halaia ki . . .

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