Monday 20th January 2025

Momosi e ngaahi fu’u paiki fio koula ‘a e kau Comacheros

KO E taha e kau kengi ‘oku hoha’a taha ki ai ‘a Nu’usila ni ko e tupu ‘a e kau kengi Comancheros.

  Ko e ongo kau kengi ne fakakina taha mo lahitaha ‘i Nu’usila ni ‘a e Black Power mo e Mongrel Mob ka ko e tu’u he taimi ni ‘oku meimei tokolahi ange e kau kengi Comancheros ia ‘oku ngaue popula he kau kengi koee.

  ‘I he konga kimu’a e mahina ni na’e ‘ohofi ‘e he kau Polisi e kau kengi . . .

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