Monday 17th February 2025

Maumau hono taleniti ‘akapulu he Kengi

NA’E tautea he uike kuo ‘osi´ ‘a e taha e kau talavou taleniti’ia pea na’e fai e falala ki ai koe’uhi´ ko ‘ene kaunga ki he kau kengi Commanchero mo e  tila faito’o konatapu´.

   Ko e talavou ni ko Lemeki Namoa na’e matapule lahi he ‘apiako ‘iloa ‘i ‘Okalani ko e Sacred Heart College pea ne toe kapiteni pe he timi ‘akapulu kalasi ‘uluaki ‘a e kolisi´. Na’e ui pe e talavou ni ko e tamasi’i koula´ pe Golden Boy he mitia´. Na’a . . .

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