Monday 17th February 2025

Ma’u motu’a ‘Esia tukuaki’i ko ia ‘oku foo ai e pa’anga ‘uli´ mo fe’ave’aki holo ai e pa’anga ‘a e kau tila faito’okonatapu

Na’e ha he fakamaau’anga fakavahe ‘i Nuku’alofa ‘a De Feng Mo ta’u 54 ko e tangata pisinisi ‘Esia mali Tonga mei ‘Anana fekau’aki mo hono tukuaki’i mamafa ‘e he kau polisi ki he’ene fengaue’aki mo e taki kau kengi Comanchero ki hono fe’ave’aki ‘a e pa’anga tila faito’okonatapu ko e taumu’a ki ‘Amelika.

Na’e fakaha he’ene Loea William Edwards ki he fakamaau’anga ‘a ‘ene kole ke fai mo fakahoko e ngaue kia Feng Mo ke maau ka e . . .

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