Saturday 8th February 2025

Ma’u kotoa he Pangike ANZ e ‘u ‘api´

NA’E tali ‘e Fakamaau lahi Petunia Tupou e ‘eke ‘a e Pangike ANZ Banking Group Ltd ‘enau totonu ke puke e ngaahi ‘api lisi mo e ‘api ne malu’i’aki e no ‘a Siosiua Sione Latu he Pangike koe’uhi´ ko e ‘ikai ke toe lava ‘o totongi e noo´ pea maumau ai ‘enau aleapau´.

  Ka ne fakafepaki’i e ‘eke ‘a e Pangike ‘e he uitou ‘o Siosiua ko Lisia Uaine Latu mo ‘ene kole ke hoko ai ko e fakafofonga ‘a hono husepaniti´ ‘i he ngaahi kelekele lisi ni he kuo . . .

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