Friday 7th February 2025

Loto mamani Komisoni ‘Uhila he TPL hono fakafufuu’i alea mo e fakamo’oni aleapau mo e Green Energy Technology Talekita ai a Lord Fakafanua.

‘Oku ma’u he nusipepa ni ‘a e tatau ‘o e fetohi’aki he vaha’a ‘o e CEO le’ole’o ‘o e Komisoni ‘Uhila ‘a Tonga ‘i he 2019 pea mo e CEO ‘o e Kautaha ‘Uhila ‘a Tonga Mr. Setitaia Chen pea pehee ki he pule pa’anga Mr. Steven ‘Esau pea mo e Talekita ‘o e kautaha ko e Green Energy Technology(Private solar company) ‘oku ‘amanaki fokotu’u ‘enau faama solar ke fengaue’aki mo e TPL.

Ko e tohi na’e fakahoko ia ‘i he 19 . . .

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