Friday 7th February 2025

Leleiange fili fakalukufua pe ko e lahi e ulungia he fili Fale Alea?

Na’e fakahu atu he Fakafofonga ‘o Ha’apai 12, Mo’ale Finau ke fakafoki ‘a e fili Fale Alea ki he founga fili motu’a, kae ‘ikai ko e founga fili lolotonga.

    ‘I he me’a ‘a e fakafofonga ki he’ene fokotu’u, ko e ola ia ‘o e loto ‘a e kakai hono vahenga ‘i he ‘a’ahi Fale Alea na’a ne fakahoko pea ‘oku ne fakahoko pe loto hono kakai. Ko hono malie ‘o e kaveinga ni, he ko e konga si’i pe ia ‘oku poupou fefeka kiai . . .

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