Monday 17th February 2025

Kole me’alele kehe ‘o fai’aki e kaiha’a´ pea faitaa’I he famili e me’alele ‘o ‘ilo ai

Faka’ilo ongo tangata he hia kaiha’a kehekehe ‘i Tongatapu

‘OKU ‘amanaki ke ha he fakamaau’anga he ‘aho 27 ‘o Sanuali ‘a Sione Ngaue ta’u 52 mei Sopu, Salesi Fa’aoa ta’u 34 mei Kolomotu’a mo Seteven Koloamatangi ta’u 49 mei Kolofo’ou ke fakamaau’i kinautolu ki he hia kaiha’a kehekehe he ngaahi feitu’u kehekehe ‘i Nuku’alofa he ta’u 2024.

     Na’e fakaha mei he kau polisi ko e ngaahi koloa mole ‘oku . . .

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