Wednesday 22nd January 2025

Kole loea ke tuku aa e hopo´ he ko e tu’o 10 ‘ena ha he fakamaau’anga te’eki maau ngaue kau polisi´ ia

NA’E kole ‘a Fatai Vaihu ko e loea ‘a Stuart ‘Api ta’u 34 mei Hala’ovave ki he hia ‘oku lolotonga tukuaki’i kiai ko ’ene fakahoko e hia fakalielia ki he ta’ahine ta’u  4 ‘i hono ‘api nofo’anga´ he ta’u 2023.

    Ko e hia maatu’aki pelepelengesi ‘eni he ko e mamahi´ ‘oku ne kei fu’u kei si’i ‘aupito pea ko e faka’iloa´ na’e nofo fakamali mo e fa’ee ‘a e mamahi. Ko e mamahi ko e hafekasi . . .

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