Sunday 8th December 2024

Ko e ta’eufi pehee ‘a e kakaa ko hono tuha´ ko e tipota’i ki Tonga

Kakaa’i e kakai ‘o ‘ave ‘enau pa’anga pea hola kae ‘ikai ke fai e ngaue´

KO E taha e talanoa fakama ki he Tonga´ ‘a e ngaue kakaa’i  ‘e he matapule ma’u lotu ‘a e kakai ‘o a’u ki he meimei $300,000 tupu kae fai ‘enau ngaue pea ‘ikai ke fai ia kae hola ia mo ‘enau pa’anga´.

  Toe kovi’aki ko e toho atu ai e hingoa e siasi´ mo Tonga pea mo hono famili ‘o . . .

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