Monday 17th February 2025

Ke ‘oua na’a mole e ongo e taa nafa ‘a e Tonga´

KO E taha e me’a na’e tokanga ki ai e punake ‘iloa ko Faifekau Melesuipi Fakatava Latu ke pukepuke ‘a fufula e ngaahi fa’unga totonu e faiva faka-Tonga´ kae ‘oua ‘e ‘ai ke mole he ta’au e akenga e ‘aho´.

  Ko e taha e me’a na’a ne lave ki ai ko e taa nafa´ ‘oku ‘iai hono fa’ahinga ongo totonu´ ka ‘oku ‘alu e taimi mo e hanga ‘e he ni’ihi ‘o fai e taa nafa´ ‘o hangee ia ko e fa’ahinga . . .

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