Wednesday 18th September 2024

Kau ‘a Tevita he fakamaau he Ipu ‘a mamani he Soka´

KO E sipoti Soka ‘oku kau ia he sipoti manakoa taha ‘i mamani´ pea toe kau foki he totongi lelei taha´.

  Ka ‘oku faka’ohovale e kau atu ‘a Tevita makasini mei Tonga he kau fakamaau he fe’auhi´ ‘aia na’a ne kau he fakamaau he tau ‘a Falanise pea mo Tunisia ‘aia na’e fo’i ai ‘a Falanise.

  Ka ko e me’a ‘oku fai ki ai e tokanga pe ‘oku fiha koaa e totongi e kau fakamaau´ he fe’auhi Ipu ‘a mamani´.

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