Monday 17th February 2025

Ikai tali kole malu’I ki tu’a ‘a Tu’ifua Angilai he ‘oku fu’u loloto ‘ene keisi´

NA’E  ‘ikai tali he fakamaau’anga´ ke malu’i kitu’a  ‘a Tu’ifua Angilau he uike ‘uluaki ‘o ‘Aokosi ‘o makatu’unga pe ia he na’e fakafepaki’i fefeka ‘e he kau polisi mo e Kalauni he ko e fotunga ‘ene keisi  ‘oku ki’i lolotoange.

    Ko Angilau na’e tauhi pilisone ki he ‘ene ‘oange ha ‘aisi ki he ongomatu’a pea ne li’aki hopo ia pea ne toki ‘alu atu ia ki he fakamaau’anga ‘o ‘eke ‘ene hopo kehe pea ma’u . . .

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