Monday 20th January 2025

‘Ikai tali e tangi ‘a Malia Li

NA’E ‘ikai ke tali ‘e he Fakamaau ‘anga Tangi ‘a Nu’usila ‘a e tangi ‘a Malia Li ‘o fekau’aki mo hono tautea ia ke ngaue popula ta’u ‘e 5 ‘e Fakamaau Edwin Wylie he fakamaau’anga lahi ‘a ‘Okalani´.

  Ne tukuaki’i foki ‘a Malia ki he’ene ta’etokanga mo fakali’eli’aki hono husepaniti´ ‘o tupu ai ‘ene pekia ‘i ha tu’unga fakaofo, faka’ofa mo palakuu fau he ‘aho 2 ‘o ‘Okatopa 2016.

  Na’e ma’u atu pe e husepaniti ‘o Malia . . .

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