Friday 7th February 2025

Ikai tali e kole malu’i ki tu’a ‘a Tavake Pikula 

NA’E ‘ikai ke tali he fakamaau’anga fakavahe ‘a ACT ‘i Kenipela, ‘Aositelelia ‘a e kole ‘a e tangata ko Lee Tavake Pikula ta’u 37 ke malu’i ia ki tu’a.

  ‘Oku tukuaki’i na’e ma’u atu ki hono loki mohe´ ‘a e me’atau kaiha’a mo e puha me’afana ka ‘oku maumau. Ko e taha e ‘uhinga ‘oku ‘ikai tali ai ke malu’i ki tu’a´ na’a ne toe kaunoa he kau fakamo’oni e tukuaki’i ‘oku fai kiate ia´.

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