Monday 17th February 2025

‘Ikai ke tali e kole ke tamate’i e hopo faka’ilo e Poate Kolisi tutuku Liahona Saineha

Fiema’u e kau Talekita kotoa kenau ‘i Tonga ke teu e hopo

NA’E kamata e hopo ‘i hono faka’ilo ‘e he Palesiteni Lahi ‘a e Kolisi tutuku Liahona Saineha Alumni, ‘Epalahame Lingikoni Taukei’aho ‘a hono tuku ta’efakalao ia ‘e he Poate ‘a e Kolisi tutuku Liahona Saineha mei hono lakanga´. Ko e tuku ‘eni koe’uhi´ ko ha tukuaki’i ‘a e taha e memipa e kau Poate mei Nu’usila ko Soane ‘Asi.

  Na’e tuku atu foki ki he kau faka . . .

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