Saturday 8th February 2025

“Ikai ha’u ‘a Afi pe ha’ane loea ki he Chamber

Holomui ‘a Pilolevu ka ne ‘ikia ‘asi ange ‘a Afi ia pe ko ha’ane loea

KUO tu’utu’uni ‘a Fakamaau Polisi Mana Kaufusi ke kaniseli ‘a e hopo sivile he vaha’a ‘o Afimemo’unga Hola pea mo e Ta’ahine Pilinisesi´, Pilolevu Tuita makatu’unga he kole ‘a e loea ‘a e Pilinisesi´, William Clive Edwards.

  Fakatatau ki he tu’utu’uni ‘a e fakamaau na’e tonu ke fai e fakataha ‘a e ongo fa’ahi´ ‘i hono ‘ofis´ pea na’e ‘iai ‘a Clive ma’a Pilolevu ka . . .

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