Monday 17th February 2025

‘Ikai ha tu’utu’uni pehee mei he Fakataha Tokoni : Palemia´

Takihala ‘a Tu’akalau Tu’ipulotu

Fa’u ‘e ‘Ulu’alo Po’uhila

KUO faka’ikai’i ‘e he Palemia ‘o Tonga´, Siaosi Sovaleni ‘a e fakamatala fakafehu’i na’e tuku hake ‘e he taha e kau poupou fefeka e PTOA ko Tu’akalu Tu’ipulotu mei ‘Amelika ‘i he peesi  ko e PTOA Kolope Foundation.

  Koe’uhi´ ko e fa’ahinga fakamatala pehe ni ‘oku ne takihala’i e kakai pea levei ai mo e fakakaukau ‘a e kakai´. Ta’etomu’a fakapapau’i e   . . .

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