Friday 7th February 2025

Hopo’i tamai ta’u 42 mo hono foha ta’u 14 ne ma’u mo e faito’okonatapu.

Na’E ui e hopo he ‘aho Monite kuo ’osi´ ko hono tukuaki’i ‘o Pifa Talanoa mo hono foha lahi mei Popua ki he ma’u mo e faito’okonatapu ko e ‘aisi mo e pa’anga ‘I he ‘aho 17 ‘o ‘Aokosi ‘i hono ‘api nofo’anga ‘i Popua.

    Ko Pita ‘oku lolotonga tu’utu’uni ‘a e Fakamaau´ ke tauhi malu ko hono ‘uhinga´ pe he na’e lolotonga hopo ki hono ma’u mo e faito’okonatapu ‘i ‘Epeleli mo ha kau tangata ‘i ‘Anana ka na . . .

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