Monday 17th February 2025

He ‘ikai tukulolo ‘a e Fale Alea ki he founga ngaue ‘a e tafa’aki fakaanga: Sea Fale Alea.

Mahu’inga ke tokanga Fale Alea na’a hanga he Tama Tu’i ‘o veteki ‘a e fale.

Na’e fakatokanga mo lea fefeka ‘a e Sea ‘o e Fale Alea ki he kau memipa mei he tafa’aki fakaanga, koe’uhi ko e ngaahi nga’unu ‘oku nau fakahoko ‘i he ngaue ‘o e Fale Alea pea pehee  k itu’a he Fale Alea ‘oku tui ‘a e Sea ‘oku ta’efakakonisitutone.

    ‘I he me’a ‘a e Sea he ‘aho Tusite ‘o e uike . . .

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