Monday 20th January 2025

Halaia ki he Hia Fakamamahi he Ope ko ‘ene kape “Pisila Kuli ta’etalausese., e tukuaki’i tohotoho

NA’E tu’utu’uni ‘e Fakamaau Ane Mailangi ke halaia e fefine ko Vasi Taiamoni Vehikite nofo ‘Amelika ki he’ene maumau’i e lao fakamamahi mo fakatupu ha maumau ‘aki hono tuku atu ha fetu’utaki faka’ilekitulonika ‘o maumau ai e Kupu 4 (1) (b) e Lao ki he ngaahi Hia ‘o e  fakamamahi ‘aki e  fetu’utaki faka’ilekitulonika´.

  Ko e tupu ‘eni mei he’ene tohi pe post he’ene Facebook ko e Vasi Vehikte ‘o pehee “Pisila kuli ta’etalausese, pala huhu . . .

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