Monday 17th February 2025

Ha na’e ‘ikai ke fai ai kimu’a´  kae toki ‘ai he kemipeini´

Palomesi e Labour ka nau Pule’anga ‘e fai ‘enau tala’ofa ki he kau ‘Ova´

‘OKU kehekehe e ongo ‘a e tokolahi he fo’i palomesi ko ‘eni ‘a e fa’ahi Labour ka nau ka toe Pule’anga tenau fai ha tala’ofa ma’e kau ‘ova´ pea fokotu’u mo e Visa makehe ma’ae matu’a´.

  Kuo palomesi e Labour tenau fokotu’u e e visa makehe ‘e ui ko e Super Visa ‘aia ‘oku fakataumu’a ia ki he matu’a mo e . . .

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