Saturday 8th February 2025

Fokotu’u Piveni ke liliu founga lipooti fakata’u ngaahi Potungaue, ke mahino lahi fakamole mo e ola ‘oku ma’u.

‘Oku tui ‘a e tokolahi, ‘oku malo pea ‘iai ha taha ke ne fakatokanga’i ‘a e matavaivai ‘oku hoko he ngaahi lipooti fakata’u ‘a e ngaahi potungaue ‘a e pule’anga.

Na’e ‘ikai ke toe afe ‘a e fakafofonga Tongatapu 7 Piveni Piukala, ‘i hono fakaanga’i ‘a e Pule’anga ‘i he ‘ikai taau ‘enau founga lipooti ki he Fale Alea.

Na’ane toe tuhu’i hangatonu atu ‘a e matavaivai, ko e ‘ikai ke ‘asi mai ;’a e ngaahi me’a mahu’inga ‘oku fie ‘ilo kiai . . .

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