Monday 17th February 2025

Fkapoongi e matapule Tonga ‘i loto Senee

Tukuaki’i ko e tila faito’o konatapau ka ne iku kovi

NA’E ‘ikai ke toe felave ha ngaue ke fakahaofi e mo’ui ‘a Setaleki Filiahekava ta’u 32 ‘aia na’e hoka’i ‘aki ha hele ‘i tu’a ‘i ha falekai he feitu’u Marrickville.

  Kuo fakaha mei he kau polisi´ ‘o pehee ko e  tokotaha kuo nau puke ‘o faka’ilo ki he pekia ‘a Sitaleki´ ‘oku na fe’ilongaki pe mo Sitaleki. Ko e faka’iloa´ ‘oku kei ta‘u . . .

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