Monday 20th January 2025

Fili ‘a Dr ‘Akau’ola ko e Minisita Mo’ui´

Fefee e kau Minisita ia ne ‘osi fokotu’u atu ki he Tu’i ka ‘oku te’eki ke tali mai?

KUO mokoi e Hau ‘o Tonga´, Tupou V1 ki he fokotu’u mei he Palemia ‘o Tonga´, Siaosi Sovaleni ke hoko ‘a Dr. Siale ‘Akau’ola ko e  Minisita Mo’ui ia ‘a Tonga´. Ko hono fili ‘eni ‘o Dr. ‘Akau’ola hili ia e fakafisi ‘a Dr. Saia Piukala mei he lakanga Minisita Mo’ui´ ka ne hiki atu ki Filipaini ‘o ngaue he ‘ofisi fakafetitu’u ‘a e . . .

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